Fundación Sonrisas invites you to participate as volunteer of Escuela Sonrisas Program, where we conduct class activities oriented to the prevention and promotion of oral health in children belonging to highly vulnerable schools.
The volunteering will consist in the attendance to a training course (1 hr.) in where volunteers will receive contents and relevant information that will enable them for the conduction of these workshops in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade, divided in 2 to 3 modules of 10:00 am to maximum 13:30pm. It is important to mention that students of any degree can conduct these workshops, since it has a simple and ludic methodology, where the most important are the eagerness to participate.
Workshops will be conducted on the mornings of the following dates:
Monday, 17 October
Tuesday, 18 October
Thursday, 20 October
Thursday, 27 October